Evolution of the MEXBET Alphabet
List of Tables
Table 1. Allophones of Mexican Spanish in IPA Alphabet
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
Consonants |
Labial |
Labiodental |
Dental |
Alveolar |
Palatal |
Velar |
Unvoiced Stops |
Voiced Stops |
Unvoiced Affricate |
Voiced Affricate |
Unvoiced Fricative |
Voiced Fricative |
Nasal |
Voiced Lateral |
Voiceless Lateral |
Rhotic |
/  |
Voiceless Rhotic |
/  |
Vowels |
Palatal |
Central |
Velar |
Semi-consonants |
Close |
Mid |
Open |
Tables by Javier Cuétara (2004)
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Table 2. Phonological System of Mexican Spanish in IPA Alphabet
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
Consonants |
Labial |
Labiodental |
Dental |
Alveolar |
Palatal |
Velar |
Unvoiced Stops |
Voiced Stops |
Unvoiced Affricate |
Unvoiced Fricative |
Voiced Fricative |
Nasal |
Voiced Lateral |
Rhotic |
/  |
Vowels |
Palatal |
Central |
Velar |
Close |
Mid |
Open |
Tables by Javier Cuétara (2004)
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Table 3. Allophones of Mexican Spanish in MEXBET Alphabet
MEXBET Alphabet
Consonants |
Labial |
Labiodental |
Dental |
Alveolar |
Palatal |
Velar |
Unvoiced Stops |
p |
t |
k_j |
k |
Voiced Stops |
b |
d |
g |
Unvoiced Affricate |
tS |
Voiced Affricate |
dZ |
Unvoiced Fricative |
f |
s_[ |
s |
x |
Voiced Fricative |
V |
D z_[ |
z |
Z |
G |
Nasal |
m |
M |
n_[ |
n |
n_j n~ |
N |
Voiced Lateral |
l_[ |
l |
l_j |
Voiceless Lateral |
l_0 |
Rhotic |
r( / r |
Voiceless Rhotic |
r(_0 / r(_\ |
Vowels |
Palatal |
Central |
Velar |
Semi-consonants |
j |
w |
i( |
u( |
Close |
i |
u |
I |
U |
Mid |
e |
o |
E |
O |
Open |
a_j |
a |
a_2 |
Notice: In the MEXBET Alphabet, when the symbol "_7" is put in front of a vowel, means that vowel is a
tonic vowel (eg. a_7, e_7, i_7, etc.).
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Table 4. Phonological System of Mexican Spanish in MEXBET Alphabet
MEXBET Alphabet
Consonants |
Labial |
Labiodental |
Dental |
Alveolar |
Palatal |
Velar |
Unvoiced Stops |
p |
t |
k |
Voiced Stops |
b |
d |
g |
Unvoiced Affricate |
tS |
Unvoiced Fricative |
f |
s |
x |
Voiced Fricative |
Z |
Nasal |
m |
n |
n~ |
Lateral |
l |
Rhotic |
r( / r |
Vowels |
Palatal |
Central |
Velar |
Close |
i |
u |
Mid |
e |
o |
Open |
a |
Notice: In the MEXBET Alphabet, when the symbol "_7" is put in front of a vowel, means that vowel is a
tonic vowel (eg. a_7, e_7, i_7, etc.).
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Table 5. Equivalences between
IPA and MEXBET Alphabets
1 |
p |
2 |
t |
3 |
k_j |
4 |
k |
5 |
b |
6 |
d |
7 |
g |
8 |
tS |
9 |
dZ |
10 |
f |
11 |
s_[ |
12 |
s |
13 |
x |
14 |
S |
15 |
V |
16 |
D |
17 |
u |
18 |
m_n |
19 |
z_[ |
20 |
z |
21 |
Z |
22 |
G |
23 |
m |
24 |
tl |
25 |
M |
26 |
n_[ |
27 |
n |
28 |
n_j |
29 |
n~ |
30 |
N |
31 |
l_[ |
32 |
l |
33 |
l_j |
34 |
l_0 |
35 |
U |
36 |
r( |
37 |
r(_0 |
38 |
r(_\ |
39 |
j |
40 |
i( |
41 |
i |
42 |
I |
43 |
e |
44 |
E |
45 |
a_j |
46 |
a |
47 |
a_2 |
48 |
o |
49 |
O |
50 |
u( |
51 |
w |
52 |
r |
Notice: The nasal allophone in IPA alphabet /
/ is also
part of the MEXBET alphabet with the symbol /m_n/ but it can not be included in table 1 or table 3 because
it is a labial-alveolar allophone, so it requires to be put in two distinct cells of those tables.
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Table 6. Transcription Levels of the MEXBET Alphabet
utilized at the DIMEx100 Corpus
In this section we show the different transcription leves for the MEXBET alphabet utilized
to annotate the DIMEx100 Corpus
- Level T54: Most accurate level with 54 allophones.
- Level T44: Mid level with 44 allophones.
- Level T22: Most basic level with 22 allophones that correspond with the 22 phonemes of the mexican spanish.
*Tables extracted from the Corpus DIMEx100 website.
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Table 7. Level T66 of MEXBET
utilized at the CIEMPIESS Corpus
Consonants |
Labial |
Labiodental |
Dental |
Alveolar |
Palatal |
Velar |
Unvoiced Stops |
p |
t |
k_j |
k |
Voiced Stops |
b |
d |
g |
Unvoiced Affricate |
tS |
Voiced Affricate |
dZ |
Unvoiced Fricative |
f |
s_[ |
s |
S |
x |
Voiced Fricative |
V |
D z_[ |
z |
Z |
G |
Nasal |
m |
M |
n_[ |
n |
n_j n~ |
N |
Voiced Lateral |
l_[ |
l |
tl l_j |
Voiceless Lateral |
l_0 |
Rhotic |
r( / r |
Voiceless Rhotic |
r(_0 / r(_\ |
Vowels |
Palatal |
Central |
Velar |
Semi-consonants |
j |
w |
i( |
u( |
Close |
i |
u |
I |
U |
Mid |
e |
o |
E |
O |
Open |
a_j |
a |
a_2 |
Tonic Vowels |
Vowels |
Palatal |
Central |
Velar |
Semi-consonants |
j_7 |
w_7 |
i(_7 |
u(_7 |
Close |
i_7 |
u_7 |
I_7 |
U_7 |
Mid |
e_7 |
o_7 |
E_7 |
O_7 |
Open |
a_j_7 |
a_7 |
a_2_7 |
Notice that:
1. This T66 level is closer to the full specification of MEXBET in table 3, more than the levels T44 and T54 utilized at the DIMEx100 corpus
2. The phonemes /tl/ and /S/ (in red) belong to the aztec language (a.k.a náhuatl) and they appear many times
in proper names as: Xicoténcatl, Popocatepetl, Xicotepec, Iztlaccíhuatl, etc.
3. The allophone /
/ that has a MEXBET symbol /m_n/ has not
been include in this T66 Level of MEXBET.
4. In our previous papers, we refer to the level T29 as T22 and the
level T66 as T50 but this is incorrect because the number "22", "29", or "66" etc. must reflect the
number of phonemes and allophones considered in that level of MEXBET.
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Table 8. Version of the T29 Level of MEXBET
utilized at the CIEMPIESS Corpus
Consonants |
Labial |
Labiodental |
Dental |
Alveolar |
Palatal |
Velar |
Unvoiced Stops |
p |
t |
k |
Voiced Stops |
b |
d |
g |
Unvoiced Affricate |
tS |
Unvoiced Fricative |
f |
s |
S |
x |
Voiced Fricative |
Z |
Nasal |
m |
n |
n~ |
Lateral |
l |
tl |
Rhotic |
r( / r |
Vowels |
Palatal |
Central |
Velar |
Close |
i |
u |
Mid |
e |
o |
Open |
a |
Tonic Vowels |
Vowels |
Palatal |
Central |
Velar |
Close |
i_7 |
u_7 |
Mid |
e_7 |
o_7 |
Open |
a_7 |
Notice that:
1. These tables are similar but not equal to the level T22 of the MEXBET alphabet in the version utilized for the DIMEx100 Corpus.
2. The phonemes /tl/ and /S/ (in red) belong to the aztec language (a.k.a náhuatl) and they appear many times
in proper names as: Xicoténcatl, Popocatepetl, Xicotepec, Iztlaccíhuatl, etc.
3. In our previous papers, we refer to the level T29 as T22 and the
level T66 as T50 but this is incorrect because the number "22", "29", or "66" etc. must reflect the
number of phonemes and allophones considered in that level of MEXBET.
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